Betting Library

Selection of betting papers and studies

Baker, McHale – Optimal Betting Under Parameter Uncertainty Improving the Kelly Criterion

Bergmann etal – Linked Soccer Data

Brown – Evidence of In Play Insider Trading on a UK Betting Exchange

Buraimo – …Analysis of the Fink Tank Predictions

Cantinotti etal – Sports Betting Can Gamblers Beat Randomness

Dixon, Coles – Modelling Association Football Scores and Inefficencies in the Football Betting Market

Dixon, Robinson – A Birth Process Model for Association Football Matches

Dobson, Goddard – Is There Persistence in Sequences of Consecutive Football Results

Emonet – Revisiting Statistical Applications in Soccer

Fu etal – On…Distribution of the Longest Run

Gainsbury, Blaszczynski – How Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology Could Revolutionize Online Gambling

Gainsbury etal – Considering Gambler’s Views of a Precommitment System

Gibson etal – The Best Probability Model for Exacta

Goddard, Asimakopoulos – Modelling Football Match Results and the Efficiency of Fixed Odds Betting

Griffiths – Evaluating Responsible Gambling Tools Using Behavioural Tracking Data

Hart – A Betting Mans Reflections on Money

Huang – Inferring Tennis Match Progress from In Play Betting Odds

Insley etal – Issues Related to Sports Gambling

Johnson – Comparing the Professionalization of Pro Gamblers and Pro Video Game Players

Karlis, Ntzoufras – Analysis of Sports Data by Using Bivariate Poisson Models

Karlis, Ntzoufras – Bayesian Modelling of Football Outcomes

Karlis, Ntzoufras – Bivariate Poisson and Diagonal Inflated Bivariate Poisson Regression Models

Karlis, Ntzoufras – Presentation Bayesian and Non Bayesian Analysis of Soccer Data

Lopez Gonzalez etal – …and Problem Gambling Severity

Macey, Hamari – Investigating Relationships Between Video Gaming Spectating esports and Gambling

Martinen – Creating Profitable Betting Strategy for Football by Using Statistical Modelling

Mathless blog – Fairness of Coin

Olesen – Assessing the Number of Goals in Soccer Matches

Palomino etal – Skill Strategy and Passion an Empirical Analysis of Soccer

Patton, Williams – Quarbs and Efficiency in Spread Betting

Rossiter – Introduction to Statistical Analysis

Salonen – How to Calculate Asian Handicap Odds

Siwei Xu – Efficiency of Bookmakers Odds as Forecasts English Premier League

Snowberg, Wolfers – Explaining the Favorite Longshot Bias

Sofer -Crowd Behavior in Prokofievs The Gambler

Whitrow – Algorithms for Optimal Allocation of Bets on Many Simultaneous Events

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